Ulrich Baldauf
Hamburg Port Authority
The smartPORT initiative started at the Hamburg Port Authority in 2013. Already in its beginning Ulrich has played an important role being responsible for the IT architecture and sharpening the vison of the port of the future. He is always looking for new use cases and new technologies which will lead HPA into the future.
As a graduated computer scientist he started back in the 90s as an IT consultant and came via the field of transport logistics to the Hamburg Port Authority in 2009. Meanwhile he is responsible for Research & Development and co-ordinating the Digital Port Twin activities at HPA.

Innovation in the Port of Hamburg - insights to three projects
To explain how the research and innovation process at the HPA, works Ulrich will give three examples of innovation projects at the HPA. He will touch on the fields of water drones, flying drones, robots and artificial intelligence. In his presentation he shows concrete use cases and their technical solutions.