Svenn Kjetil Haveland
Corvus Energy
Svenn Kjetil Haveland is Vice President Development Projects in Corvus. Svenn Kjetil has more than 20 years of experience from the oil and gas industry, with the majority related to energy, automation and information technology projects. He has various management positions, including several operational and organizational positions in Siemens and as Managing Director for engineering businesses within Head Energy. Svenn Kjetil holds a Bachelor of Electronics degree from Høyskolen i Bergen.

Driving innovation in zero emission shipping
Founded in 2009, Corvus Energy is the leading supplier of energy storage solutions and fuel cell systems for maritime, offshore and port applications.
This presentation explains how the company is driving innovation and achieving important milestones and pioneering work in the decarbonization of shipping. It also highlights some of the opportunities and challenges for the future.