Johannes Oeffner
Fraunhofer CML
Johannes Oeffner leads the team “Maritime Technologies & Biomimetic” at Fraunhofer CML. Johannes has a background in biology, biomimetics and fluid dynamics, shipping and hydro acoustics. Johannes has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master of Science in Biomimetics and Fluid Dynamics. Prior to the CML, he was working as a hydro acoustics scientist at a research institute in New Zealand, participating in experimental research surveys and being involved in signal processing, data handling and analysis. Johannes has co-authored a number of scientific literature on biomimetics – i.e. on sensing and friction reduction -, fluid dynamics, hydro acoustics and autonomous navigation systems. He initiated and is coordinating the EU-Project AIRCOAT with the aim to develop a biomimetic air lubricating hull coating that reduce hull friction in order to reduce energy use and emissions of ships. The self-adhesive (not a paint) coating is based on bioinspired principle and targets to reduce friction and biofouling.