Constance Ugé
Fraunhofer CML
Constance Ugé is 35 years old and works as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer-Center for Maritime Logistics and Services in Hamburg. She joined the navy as an officer after graduating from high school and served on different naval ships as an officer of the watch. She therefore studied nautical science in the navy, got her patent and went to sea for several years. After her 12-years of service she studied marine engineering as a postgraduate course in Australia. She worked as a design engineer in a large German shipyard and is now employed at the CML for two years. She is in charge of the EmissionSEA project, in which the determination of fuel consumption and ship emissions from AIS data in order to make ships more efficient and environmentally friendly is adressed.

Monitoring CO2 emission from shipping
The short presentation will adress different on board monitoring methods, emission regulations and the dealings with them. Afterwards the project EmissionSEA will be presented, which aims to determinate the fuel consumption and ship emissions from AIS data in order to make ships more efficient and environmentally friendly.