Decarbonising shipping: the latest developments in on-board fuel processing, carbon capture and energy storage

Find out more in Session IV on Onboard fuel processing, carbon capture and energy storage on Thursday 20 June from 1:30 pm – online

Various innovative approaches and technologies for decarbonizing the shipping sector are presented in the session. From onboard carbon capture systems to advances in energy storage and fuel cells to efficient ammonia cracking solutions, each presentation highlighted the critical steps and future opportunities to achieve significant emissions reductions in the maritime industry. The speakers provided valuable insights into the techno-economic aspects, technological achievements and strategic pathways necessary for a sustainable and emission-free future of the waterborne transport.

Join us to foster the exchange of ideas, to harness synergies, to promote co-operations and to network for an emission-free future. Have a look at this year’s program and get to know our outstanding speakers and green shipping experts from around the world. At the 5th LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum (LSSTF) on 19-20 June 2024, you have the unique opportunity to participate free of charge online.

Get your free online ticket, right now and here:

We look forward to your participation!

Karsten Schönewald, Igor Sauperl and Nina Simon
on behalf of the entire LSSTF organising team